May 1, 2024
The focus for April was on improving voyage chartering within ClearVoyage. Significant improvements were delivered to the P&L and new clarity brought to handling bunkers.
As a growing number of new customers are signing up to ClearVoyage, we also renovated the accounting integration system - so ClearVoyage is easier to integrate with your accounting system
It’s all part of our plan to make pre- and post-fixture as simple and easy as possible for voyage chartering.
More and more of our customers are doing voyage business so this is the start of a long path of improvements to make their day to day tasks more streamlined and workflow driven
Improved P&L for Voyages
The P&L is such a critical component for any voyage; but requires real transparency. New improvements are addressing these issues. This is what we believe:
You should see every time the TCE changes
You should know why the TCE has changed
You should see why actuals have deviated from the estimate
For example, when a vessel’s ETA is updated, you should know that it caused TCE to drop from $12,400/day to $12,150/day
This kind of transparency is what you need to make better commercial decisions
During April, we focused on making the calculation as accurate as possible, and allowing you to track the P&L throughout the voyage. We won’t stop here - there are many more improvements to come in the next few months

Add bunker ROBs at period end for reporting
Owners and operators need to see how they are performing over a period of time - that is why reporting results at month or year-end is such a critical part of voyage management.
ClearVoyage is here to help. As a part of that, it is now possible to manually enter bunker ROBs at any given point in time, such as at month end
This lets you easily track bunker expenditures & report bunker inventories at month or year end.
It’s something that was requested by many of our customers, so it became a top priority for us and it’s now live

A new and improved accounting integration module
It may not be very glamorous but the accounting integration is possibly the most valuable part of ClearVoyage
You can free yourself from all the manual double-work and risk of human error of running voyage statements in Excel and in your bookkeeping solution
The newly reworked accounting integration in ClearVoyage has improved in two major ways
Firstly, it simplifies the process of mapping ClearVoyage to your accounts by letting you select the appropriate ledger code from ClearVoyage

Secondly, it offers real flexibility to meet the way you have set up your accounting system.
Maybe you have individual vessel-owning entities? Fine! Do you have one set of accounts for your operating business? Great!
No matter how your accounts are setup, ClearVoyage can handle it
There’s More To Come In May
Our philosophy is to make lots of incremental improvements, which add up over time to make your voyage management easier
Here are some of the upcoming improvements in May
✅ An improved voyage calculator, that is easier to use and more accurate
✅ Historical snapshots of the P&L; see how the P&L has changed since yesterday, or last week
✅ Bareboat charter types; soon you’ll be able need to invoice items like capex & opex through a bareboat charter contract!